I like to win.
And, if I didn’t win, I’d rather not play.
Yes, that was my story for so many years.
With growth spurts that left me all arms and legs, I was tall and thin – and a bit awkward for most of my young adult years.
In high school, I signed up for the cross country team as I enjoyed running.
But, I didn’t know much about running or understand that “practice makes perfect” in all areas in life so I wasn’t all that good.
Rather than celebrating being part of the team or doing my best, I came up with excuses rather than feeling like a failure.
I became a master excuse maker. (Not something I’m all that proud of….)
If I couldn’t be #1, I didn’t want to play.
This belief continued to show up in other areas throughout my life.
To me, not being #1 meant I wasn’t good enough.
If I didn’t excel at something, I’d take another path.
Now, you might think that was being resourceful but it was creative avoidance. (Have you ever done this?!?)
And, today, in my entrepreneurial journey, I’ve had some incredible successes.
I’ve been recognized for my leadership and vision by the National Association of Female Executives receiving their Women of Excellence Award in 2007, been honored with the Women Business Champion of the Year by the Small Business Administration – Santa Ana office, the Woman of the Year award from the For You Network as well as countless others.
I’ve gotten incredible accolades for someone so young. (Or, so I’ve been told.)
And, I’ve written several books, too. Four to be exact. (Next week is the release of #4 and I could use your help in spreading the word. Reply to this email if you are willing to share with your friends.)
My clients have made millions of dollars in their careers or businesses using my strategies. Yes, millions.
They have also “found” time, freeing themselves up to live the life they love.
There are still days I feel I “should” do more so I try to cram more into my 24 hours.
I was just speaking to my client about this, challenging her to discern whether she’s addicted to action – and she exclaimed, “That’s it!”
I get it.
I’ve been there, too, putting more to do on my “to do” list than I could ever accomplish.
Despite the list of my amazing accomplishments (often more in 24 hours than the average person does in a week), I end up unimpressed, dipping from my own bucket.
Have you ever done this?
Imagine what happens when you do this day after day after day…..
Without even realizing it, you may be setting yourself up to fail. When you’re a high performer or as my husband’s cousin calls me “an overachiever”, you expect to do more than is possible in any given day, thus setting yourself up to crash and burn.
Or, you don’t create a plan and just figure everything will all work out and it will all get done.
In either situation, you’re exhausted and feel like you’re not enough.
So, what can you do about this?
Here’s my strategy for winning in business and life – every time – and one I shared with my client that afternoon.
1. Know Your Capacity.
You get 24 hours a day. And, so do I. However, our bandwidth of what we can accomplish in that time is different. If you set yourself up to do more than you can handle, you’ll always fail. Be conscious and aware of what you can individually handle.
2. Create Opportunities to Succeed.
When I get on the phone with my mastermind partner twice a week (thank you Cathy Jennings), we each share 3 things we are going to accomplish that day. When we don’t meet, I do the same thing. At the end of each day, I go through my list and even if there are 10 more things that have come in, I celebrate all that I’ve done, rather than focus on all I have left to do. This builds the winner’s circle muscle where you see yourself having fun and getting it done!
3. Celebrate Small Wins As If They Were Big Wins.
You may wait to celebrate until you’ve done something earth shattering. I know that I’ve been there. Unfortunately, those moments in our lives are few and far between. Learn to celebrate the small wins as if you’d just done something heroic, like saveda life……because it just might be your own.
ACTION ITEM: The Upside Challenge this week is to go through these 3 steps to winning in business and life.
The world needs you and your brilliance.
Instead of focus on what others are doing, focus on your own journey.
I guarantee you, you’re pretty amazing.
Keep riding the Upside. It’s all Upside.