When I speak about connection, I often talk about creating a relationship bank account.
I even wrote about it in the book, Connection: The New Currency.
Despite increased communication due to social media outlets and technology, many people are missing the mark on connection.
And, there’s plenty of bad behavior out there when it comes to building relationships.
Let’s look at dating for a minute.
Some people approach connection as if it were a one-night stand and not a courtship.
Imagine if you were available and in the dating scene and went to karaoke night with your friends. (Just go with me on this even if you’d never be caught in a karaoke bar….)
You make eye contact with the guy or gal across the room.
They look goooood.
And, there appears to be some mutual chemistry.
Now, if they walked across the room and asked to sit next to you, that would be cool.
But, if they walked across the room and leaned in to kiss you or gave you some cheesy line asking you to go home with them, well that would be bold and creepy.
Now, if you did allow them to sit next to you, you would chat, laugh a bit, and see about meeting again — if you enjoyed each other’s company– with the end goal to know each other a bit better.
Then, the next step would be to exchange numbers so you could call or text each other.
When you did get together, maybe this person would hold your hand or bring you something sweet – or call you and say you’re pretty neat. (Okay – that was a cheesy rhyme…)
And, this might lead to dinner or a fun evening on the town – with flowers.
You get the picture.
There is a natural progression to what “should” happen if he/she were classy, not brassy. (There I go with the bad rhyme’s again…..)
This courting is all about making deposits into the relationship bank account.
And, the same is true in business.
You’ve got to make deposits before you can make withdrawals.
You’ve got to give before you can receive.
But, there are countless professionals who violate this principle with their teams, co-workers, and clients by asking for sales or opportunities prematurely.
And, it feels icky
So, don’t.
Pay into the relationship bank account regularly and often.
Online and offline.
When you make deposits, I guarantee you that your payoff will be BIG.
ACTION ITEM: The Upside Challenge of the week is to make 5 deposits into your relationship bank account.
People follow the person first, then their great plan.
Be someone worth following.
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. Lead Upside
Keep riding the Upside. It’s all Upside.