You’ve probably heard part of my story about my journey in law enforcement.
I often speak about how it was a bit rocky in the beginning.
This didn’t have anything to do with how smart I was or how talented.
But, it did have to do with how I was positioned for success or for my peers to see me and my talents.
The same is true of Apple.
In the beginning, the key to their success had less to do with their products than you think.
The key to their brilliance lies in their positioning or being able to get you to notice them.
Apple has simply yet powerfully opened your mind about what is possible and that alone has enabled them to stand out in their industry.
Positioning is not the same as visibility.
The problem is most people think it’s the same.
Introduced in 1969 by Jack Trout, positioning is defined as “an organized system for finding a window in the mind……“
Positioning is a perception and occurs whether you are proactive or not.
So you’ve got to be proactive in positively influencing others perceptions by using your personality to be seen and heard.
No one has your unique set of experiences, circumstances, and talents.
There is only one you.
ACTION ITEM: The Upside Challenge of the week is to answer the following questions: What do you think is the most appealing aspect of your personality? What do you do to highlight and market this aspect of who you are?
The world is made for those who stand out, not those who fit in.
And, the world needs you and your brilliance.
Keep riding the Upside. It’s all Upside.