Every year, my Mom would sit down with my little sister and I to write our annual letter to Santa Claus.
Kids all around the world still take part in this tradition.
Yet, as an adult, you may struggle with asking for what you want, clarifying what is most important to you.
I know I have.
But, what if you sat down right now and wrote a letter asking for what you wanted?
What would you ask for in the area of
What would help you grow into the best version of yourself so that you were filled with more happiness, success, and meaning in your life?
So, get out that pen and paper and start writing.
Use the salutation “Dear Universe” or “Dear God” (or whomever you believe this should go to) and pour out your hopes and dreams.
When you’re finished, take a deep breath and trust that your deepest desires are being listened to in ways that you cannot imagine.
ACTION ITEM: The Upside Challenge is to share what’s in that letter with one person so you’re speaking what you want out loud. You don’t have to read the letter just claim what you want most right now. Not what you need. Not what you don’t have or is lacking in your life. But, what you want. Then, tell your friend what you’re doing to move in that direction in 2015.
Know who you are, what you want, and why it matters.
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. Lead Upside.
Keep riding the Upside. It’s all Upside.