Tomorrow, I observe the anniversary of my birth – the day that I came into the world.
Several years ago, I began celebrating all month long.
While I know some people believe birthdays are “just another day on the calendar” or a day to be forgotten, I believe they stand for something important – your life.
Growing up, my Mom always made sure that my sister and I enjoyed a special day and were celebrated by friends and family.
I can fondly remember my 6th grade party at Skate-A-Way, the local roller skating rink, and the forest green leotard and skirt my Mom bought for the occasion.
Or, my 8th grade slumber party where I got to invite all the girls from my class and we made sundaes with all the toppings and tried to stay up all night long.
On the weekend, my Mom would have a family birthday party and always invite my Grammy and Grandpop and my Aunt Sue and Uncle Paul.
Sometimes we’d go to a restaurant and sometimes she’s grill up hot dogs and hamburgers at home.
Either way, she’d always make her famous chocolate cake or chocolate cupcakes with homemade frosting for dessert. (It’s still my favorite!)
My grandparents and aunt and uncle loved to give savings bonds to commemorate the day.
It was their way of saying “You’re special“, “I believe in you“, and “I’m investing in your future.“
I still treasure those moments – and more than my words could ever express – especially to know that I was worth investing in.
Birthdays mark the day when you came into the world withyour BIG mission.
Yes, you have a BIG mission, and so do I.
I’m setting out to change the world one person at a time, transforming lives through leadership – and ensuring that the world sees you and all of your brilliance.
Every year, I get to review what I’ve done and how I’ve contributed to this planet since I arrived.
While I know there is much more I’m called to do, so far, it’s been a great ride.
ACTION ITEM: The Upside Challenge this week is to do something wonderful for yourself to celebrate along with me!
My perspective on birthdays is that the world would be a different place without you – and without me.
Celebrate your life and the opportunity you have to do good in the world.
The world is made for those who stand out, not those who fit in.