I missed sending my Upside Thought last week for the first time in 5 years.
You can’t do everything.
And, neither can I.
Every time you say “yes” to something, you say “no” to something else.
As I’ve been focused on LOVE this year, I realize there is great wisdom from that statement.
Whether it is in your personal dealings or relationships with people at work, you have to make choices about where you put your time and energy.
You cannot fill every waking moment with activity – even if it is joyful, life-giving activities – and be the best version of yourself for the people you love.
One of the topics I spend hours with when I’m coaching with clients is the Art of Positioning.
Positioning is all about getting people to see you for who you are – your incredible talents, gifts, and abilities — by opening a window in their mind so they can witness your brilliance.
Sometimes the reason why one of my clients isn’t being seen is because he/she is trying to be all things to all people.
Let me say it again.
You can’t do everything.
Choose to spend time on your strengths – what comes so easily to you that you don’t get why other people don’t do it.
Do what you do best – and network (let go of) the rest.
Your life needs space to grow.
Even if it’s productive activity, you just can’t do it all.
If you live a fast-paced life, this is even more important for you to hear.
Plan some quiet time.
Practice the word “no”.
Breathe deeply.
All of these things will allow you to be positioned for the right opportunity when it comes along.
CALL TO ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to include quality time for the things that are most important. With 1440 minutes in each day, recognize that there is always plenty of time to live your priorities. Choose to be a wise steward of the time you have and say “no” to less important opportunities.
Give people the best of you, not the stressed of you!
And, as Jean Gazis said, “You can only be everyone’s rock when you’re steady yourself.”
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. Lead Upside.