When I write my Upside Thought of the Week, I cover a variety of topics — all of which relate to leadership.
Because I want to inspire you to take action, I tell stories and tie together a theme for the week centered around my 7 Pillars of Leadership, connection, or positioning.
A few weeks ago, I had a conversation with a potential client who said, “You’re more than just inspiring. You have given me real world strategies and insights that no one has ever taught me before. You’re the real deal.” Whoa.
I got goose bumps all over — and thought about her statement.
Being inspiring sometimes gets a bad rap.
Inspiration seems fluffy and not tangible.
Like love.
Like Upside Thinking.
Yet, being inspiring is the 3rd characteristic people want in a leader, according to researchers Kouszes and Posner who have interviewed hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world.
If you don’t inspire someone enough to care about your mission, vision, and values (what’s most important to you and where you’re headed), you can’t be a leader.
Because leaders have followers – that’s why they are called leaders.
No followers = not the leader. J
This year, my theme is to Love Big, Bold, and Brilliantly.
To show up as love in all of my interactions.
While I don’t always give myself an A+, I’m proud of how far I’ve come and how many people I’ve inspired by my actions.
Love gives people the benefit of the doubt.
It doesn’t fill in the blanks with negative theories or assumptions.
It looks at each person as a work in progress with dreams and hopes, talents and gifts.
From your best friend to your co-worker or colleague who gets under your skin…..from your spouse or child to your most challenging client, love finds the goodness in their heart.
My business could have been named “Platske & Associates” or “High-Performance Leadership Strategies”, but it isn’t.
It’s Upside Thinking, Inc. because leaders cultivate a habit of finding the upside in all they do and squashing the negative stories about who they are or others.
They fill in the blanks with forgiveness, and understanding.
To lead with your heart and truly love every person you meet, whether they deserve it or not or whether you like them, is to find joy, peace, and meaning in every day.
Because it’s about You.
Wonderful You.
And, that’s inspiring.
CALL TO ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to look at how inspiring you are to others. Do you show up as loving in all of your interactions? Are you an Upside Thinker? Rate yourself from 1 – 10. Be honest. If you aren’t happy with your score, what is one action item you will focus on this week to be more inspiring, loving, and/or Upside?
People follow the person first, then their great big plan.
Be someone worth following.
Be inspiring.
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. Lead Upside.
P.S. - If you’re interested in spending 2 inspiring days with me, check out my upcoming Leadership Success Summit Intensive 2-day retreat. Message me and we can chat to see if it’s a fit for where you are right now.
P.P.S. - Yes, you’ll build a plan at the Leadership Success Summit Intensive retreat – but it’s all about doing it your way and having FUN! Dancing, laughing, strategizing — an Upside good time!