Can you believe we’re already in the last week of February?!?
I’m guessing your New Year’s resolutions have worn off and you’ve gone back to business as usual, being swallowed up into the black hole of your comfort zone.
As the days, months, and weeks march on by, you’ll probably start to feel less energized wondering why you can’t be as excited as you were at the beginning of the year.
At the Leadership Success Summit this year, I spoke about the climb to the Summit and how it can be easy to get lost on your way to the top because you fall into a pothole of your own making.
Whether it’s February or July, or even January 2nd, you’re programmed to feel “normal”.
This means you may not realize that a big mission and vision are yours to claim.
Or, if you’ve claimed them they just seem too far out there to realize.
To get back on track, identify or re-connect with what your inspiring Upside life is all about.
As I share in my 1st book Designing Your Destiny, know who are you, what do you want, what you do, and why it matters.
Go back to your mission and vision.
99% of all of the change in the world is made by people like you and me.
People who turn a “what if….?” into a “What Is.”
People who turn a possibility into a reality.
I know you’ve got a vision for how you can make a difference.
And, I know that you’ve got a purpose that’s yours and yours alone.
Are you positioned to claim it right now?!?
CALL TO ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to examine the purpose of your professional life. Do you currently work just to make money or is what you do part of a bigger objective? What is the one action you will take to get back on track and claim or re-connect with your inspiring life?
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. Live Upside.