If you’ve been connected to me for a long time, you know that one of my favorite sayings is, “Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. Lead Upside.”
Every new invention was at one time looked upon as “crazy” or “not possible”.
From home computers to space exploration, the people who have a wild idea and get behind it even when everyone else isn’t able to see the possibilities are innovative leaders.
Because I’m not always the most tech savvy person in a group, I actively seek to be connected with people who embody this strength.
As you know (or at least I hope you know), I recently held my 1st official Leadership Success Summit – INTENSIVE: Clarity, Connections, and Cash event LIVE in Miami. This event was a deep-dive into all of my work on positioning yourself as an expert and getting the recognition you deserve.
In my planning, I began thinking about people who are creators, innovators, and leaders in new areas, and I immediately thought about my friend Mary Barnett.
Mary has been in the Promotional Marketing business for 24 years. Seven years ago, she started seeing trends in mobile space and knew this was the wave of the future.
In 2008 she brought a mobile concept to Kawasaki, and in the summer of 2009 produced a nationwide campaign that drove over 93,000 new customers to their 1500 dealerships. With a happy client and an Innovation Award, Mary knew mobile marketing work for other businesses that need to drive traffic into their stores, restaurants and appointment based services.
She formed “Brilliant Mobile”, and started helping business-owners attract and capture customers and reward their loyalty with mobile campaigns that drove them back to their store or mobile website to buy their product. Working with large customers like AM/PM C-stores/Gas station hybrids, as well as small regional companies and franchise owners, she works with clients to increase communication effectiveness and brand loyalty by providing clients with their own QR Dashboard to create and track QR codes, as well as producing custom Mobile Websites and iPhone/Android Apps to engage her clients’ target customers.
Now known as Mobile Mary, she’s sponsored my Leadership Success Summit and offered advice on technology to participants. She speaks about emerging marketing trends and technology, and has a weekly radio show – “BrilliantRadio”. If you text to the number 69302, you’ll get friendly text reminders about the show, as well as for a chance to win some Mobile Love each week.
I share Mary’s story because she’s a great example of someone who took a risk. 99% of the time what you want — your big picture — lies outside your comfort zone. And, to get there you’ve got to make yourself a little uncomfortable and position yourself in new ways.
I work with clients who are tired of working incredibly hard for too little reward. Whether you like it or not, you’ve got to be seen and heard for what you do well in order to be recognized and rewarded.
ACTION: So the Upside Challenge this week, is are you innovative? If so, where? And, where do you need to step out, step up, and shine some light on what you do?
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. Lead Upside.