On Friday and Saturday, I hosted my Leadership Success Summit – INTENSIVE live event in Miami and it was hands-down the best event ever (and this was from one of the attendees).
The a-ha’s and breakthroughs, laser coaching, and actions taken on-the-spot were inspiring to everyone present.
One of the attendees said, “You were right. I did get more done in these 2 days than in the past 6 months!”
So, if you’re looking to get the recognition and money you deserve so you can have more time to do what you love, mark your calendar for January 24th and 25th where I’ll do it again in Southern California. More details to follow later this week…..
In a recent conversation with a client about positioning herself as an expert – “the” go-to person at work, we started talking about what happens outside work.
Our dialogue spun into what it takes to build a big vision for her life and
we began discussing three things:
1. Having a vision that is bigger than your comfort zone;
2. Having support for that vision from people who care about you;
3. Taking action, regardless of what is going on around you.
This got me to thinking about the brilliance of Napoleon Hill so I shared an excerpt from his 1960 PMA Science of Success Course found on page 277 entitled “Your Beginning” with her. And, I’d like to share it with you, too.
“You will come to the point, sooner or later, at which you will want to do something bigger and better than you have ever done before.When you do, you are going to be discouraged by those around you who know you best, and who will say the plan you have is foolish or beyond your power to carry out.
You will find more people willing to tear you down by discouragement than you will find sympathizing with you and helping you to build your ego.
The best way to avoid such discouragement is to confide only in those who have a genuine sympathy with your cause and an understanding of your possibilities.
Otherwise, keep your plans to yourself and let your actions speak. Adopt the motto ‘Deeds-Not Words’. It is a good motto for everyone.
It may not be in the best taste for you to overestimate your abilities, but it is better than to underestimate, and it will do less harm. If you aim at a very big achievement and attain only a moderate achievement, you will still have attained something. If you allow yourself to be held back before you even begin, you will have sold yourself short and will attain nothing.”
Your BIG vision lies just outside your comfort zone – which scares the heck out of most people.But, when you have the right support from the right people and you keep your feet firmly on track with that vision, the results are earth-shattering.
I know because I have watched clients go from passed over to getting $20k promotions with $20k bonuses in this lean economy.
I have watched clients build their businesses from $50k and struggling to $500k and taking time off to enjoy vacations with their family, making memories with their kids & having fun in the sun.
Yes, anything is possible when your vision is bigger than your comfort zone, has the right support, and you take consistent and deliberate action.
The Upside Challenge this week is to IDENTIFY YOUR BIG VISION and what your first step is to move towards it.