On one of my trips with Jim at the end of the year, we were sitting in first-class and in the seat behind us were two women who were talking business.
Because I had a presentation due for a new client, I was 100% focused on my work and we didn’t speak much throughout the flight.
Almost immediately after we got off the plane and were heading to baggage claim, Jim turned to me and said, “If you were sitting with one of those women, you probably would have walked away with a new contract.”
I responded by telling him I was exactly where I was supposed to be – right next to him – and that every connection I’m “supposed” to have is already aligned for me in perfect timing.
Trust — my 2013 theme back in action.
Life brings each one of us whatever we believe – which is why people who make decisions from fear and their self-imposed limitations will find that life is unkind to them.
Blessings are everywhere if we train our whole self to see them.
And, the things you take for granted every day are probably things that are truly miraculous.
Years ago, I promised myself that I would never regret any decision I ever made….that I would let it go and trust that I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.
This past year, I renewed this commitment to trust and stay out of the “what-if” scarcity mindset.
So, how about you?
Are you tuned in to the miracles that surround you?
Now, usually I wouldn’t press any further but this year I want the Upside Thoughts to be more than a weekly dose of inspiration so I want to go back to something I shared last week.
Trust isn’t about blindly hoping that everything will go the way you want it to go.
Last week’s Upside Thought was about getting yourself out of the rut of being comfortable and doing something different because if your current actions would have worked, you’d already be where you wanted to be.
Trusting that I was supposed to be on that flight with my husband sitting in that seat didn’t mean that I wasn’t taking other actions that have had a bigger payoff than one new client.
Trust is simply part of the foundation.
And, whether you’re trusting or not, if you are serious about your success you must take the right actions to get where you want to go. (You know, my 7 Pillars of Leadership…)and get out of your comfort zone to get you where you want to be.
Here are three tips that every leader can use to build the foundation, while taking the right actions so that they stay in faith and out of fear –
And, I want to hear from you.
Where are you right now, as we move towards the final 30 days in the 1st quarter in 2013?