One of the worst feelings in the world to me is feeling stuck — stuck in a situation where it doesn’t seem as if I will ever get out.
I start to see all of the same patterns – the choices I’ve made creating something I don’t like over and over and over.
I look for the Upside and try to focus on the glass that is half-full.
Unfortunately, sometimes I can’t find my rose-colored glasses and my Upside self feels a little Upside-down.
This happened to me when I first got married.
I left a career that I loved to marry the most wonderful man in the world and move to a new state without any friends or family.
Wherever I went in Jim’s circle, I was known affectionately as “Jim’s wife” – and while I was very proud to be his wife, there was this other side of being married that no one talked to me about before. It never came up at my wedding shower or in conversations with people who were newlyweds or couples who had been married for years.
In the aftermath of the white wedding with all of its fanfare and beauty, the dark funk came — the heavy feeling that life would be about walking in the shadows of my incredibly talented husband.
(Didn’t they know that I had a master’s degree and was incredibly talented, too?!?)
I thought about this the other day when I felt stuck in a very different situation – a similar situation that spun me like a top into overwhelm and I felt as if I was on the edge of dark funk thinking.
But, then I remembered that this is simply part of the rhythm of life.
The victories and struggles. The challenges and opportunities.
Oh, how you have the expectation that no rain will ever fall on your parade.
No one ever mentions that being a leader is about what you do in those dark funk moments, not on the ones where everything seems to be going your way and world is smiling on you.
Being a leader means you are the one with the influence but that doesn’t mean you’ll always get it right.
And, being a leader means people are watching your every move and counting on you to take the high road.
The Upside Challenge this week is to ask yourself what is the one thing you will do to stay out of dark funk and into the light.
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. Live Upside