The worst part of my business is seeing people with potential and watching them squander away their opportunities, understanding that if they put the work in and did it with consistent effort, they would be successful.
Massively successful.
Sure, they may have to make a few sacrifices.
How do you think I got to where I'm at today?!?
Instead, I see many folks with potential choose the path of least resistance, making excuses for their plight.
I didn't get a silver spoon; rather, I graduated from The School of Hard Knocks.
You've got to believe you can achieve what you want -- and that you're worthy to have it.
This determines what's possible as it's the seed that will produce delicious fruit or not.
You can't choose actions and make decisions from a place of lack or scarcity.
That only leads to negative results.
To change the success cycle, you have to first see the outcome you want, and then believe it's possible because your mind can't tell the difference between what is imagined and what is real.
This goes back to the body of work that Aristotle and Plato brought to the world.
If you can start to envision what your life will be like putting in the effort and getting the results, you can change the momentum in your life.
Most people only envision the result -- and not the work.
They see the car they want to drive or the house they want to live in, and forget to envision what they are willing to do to put forth the effort, energy, and work to have what they want.
I've learned the more I do the hard things, the easier my life gets.
When I do the easy things, the harder my life gets.
Believe in yourself and take the necessary actions.
If you don't think what you want is possible, borrow my belief in you.
The World Needs You and Your Brilliance.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to pick one area of your life where you've been making excuses or taking the path of least resistance.
Identify the potential you have in this area that you have not fully tapped into if you were to do the work.
Visualize in detail what it would look like and feel like if you put in the effort and achieved the success you desire.
Let yourself believe at your core that you are capable of making it happen.
Then, write down 1-3 small, specific action steps you can take this week to start making progress. They should feel challenging and actionable.
Remember, the only limits on your potential are the ones you place on yourself.
That's the power of Upside Thinking.