Have you ever drawn a line in the sand, defining life by before and after a deep hurt?
~ A rough chapter.
~ A conversation that took your breath away.
~ An unexpected heartbreak.
~ A divorce or devastating breakup.
~ A death that leaves a void so big you feel empty inside.
~ A phone call that turned into a hateful conversation.
~ A remark so stunning that it just keeps replaying in your head.
The moment when everything changed.
Life before that moment... and life as it is now.
Is it even possible to move on when you experience something this painful?
Can you create a life that’s beautiful again?
This kind of defining devastation has been part of my life and the life of my clients.
It's what gets me up in the morning and drives me to offer my brand of leadership coaching and mentorship.
Yet sometimes, my load is heavy, too heavy for me to carry alone.
Over the past three weeks, I've been dealing with the loss of three dear friends and clients, and so much more.
While I wish I didn’t have an intimate understanding of hard experiences, I'm humbled to walk this path.
Now, if you wake up each morning seeking to do the "right" thing, you may find yourself standing in front of the mirror pleading with God or wailing because it isn't supposed to turn out this way.
I understand.
A defining moment means your life will never be the same.
This big experience will forever be etched in your mind with a before and after stamp. When your heart has been crushed and broken into a million smaller pieces, then reshaped into something that no longer feels normal inside your own chest, the best thing for me to do is to leave it at the foot of the cross.
ATF.OTC. Repeat.
ATF.OTC. Repeat.
Over and over again
Uttering that phrase has me remember I alone don't have to carry the burden.
Now, you may not have the same Christian belief system so, how do you navigate these defining moments?
Remember, the journey through pain is unique to each individual.
Be patient with yourself and trust that, in time, you will find what's best for you.
The World Needs You and Your Brilliance.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for this week is to address life's challenges by writing a letter of forgiveness. If you're a Christian, take it to the foot of the cross. If not, share it with someone you trust.
Forgiveness is an act of faith and compassion. It's a way to release yourself from the chains of the past and step into a more peaceful and empowered version of yourself.
Write a letter to someone you feel you need to forgive (you don't need to send it), expressing your feelings and forgiving them.
Start by honestly expressing your feelings and end with an intention to forgive, and a positive message focusing on your growth and healing.