When Jim and I lived in California, we would drive to San Diego to watch football and play poker on Sunday afternoon with his friends.
Watching a player go “all in” inspires me.
Witnessing that moment when their RESOLVE and DETERMINATION come together, and they put all of their potential winnings on the line fascinates me.
We all get the opportunity to do that every day.
When you wholeheartedly COMMIT to your MISSION and CALLING, just like that poker move, you take a stand for what matters most to you.
It’s a statement to the world that you’re willing to RISK IT ALL for the end result –> the fulfillment of your VISION.
“It is always your next move.” - Napoleon Hill
Regardless of your attitude or intention, the critical element in that statement is MOVE.
Going “all in” in poker is a BIG move - a POWER move.
It can be risky - and it’s also one of the fastest ways to grow your winnings.
Now, I’m not claiming to be an expert poker player.
However, I have grown into being a masterful RISK TAKER which has increased my WINNINGS and produced rich rewards in my personal and professional life.
Rather than saying “yes” to a comfortable life, taking the safe route, which would be easy-peasy, I often choose the ROAD LESS TRAVELED.
- Moving from a slow-moving suburban area in Pennsylvania to the hustle and bustle of the NY Metropolitan area
- Stepping out of a job in banking and creating a career in Federal law enforcement
- Accepting assignments in my law enforcement career in various states and Puerto Rico, as well as a detail teaching at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
- Leaving the safety net of steady income to open a business
- Uprooting every 5 years on average and never living anywhere longer than 9 years
My list could go on and on…
How about you?
When given an opportunity, do you take a RISK?
Are you willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES going “ALL IN” to live out your mission & calling and to step into your big VISION?
Risk-taking leads to GROWTH and POSSIBILITY – and diving into once-in-a-lifetime OPPORTUNITIES.
I’ve never looked back at what I’ve done and regretted making a move, even when it didn’t turn out the way I envisioned.
The truth is not whether you will die; it is whether you will decide to LIVE.
Accept life’s challenges and risks as opportunities and doorways leading to a life filled with HAPPINESS, SUCCESS, and MEANING.
Not sure where to start?
1 - Read a book outside your area of immediate interest.
2 - Hire the right coach to guide you.
3 - Accept an invitation to do something that makes you uncomfortable to expand your horizons.
Leading Upside is about finding the possibilities in EVERYTHING you do in life.
Practice saying “YES,” and then commit to going “ALL IN”.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to identify three actions that feel risky, uncomfortable, or bold.
Take one each week for the next three weeks. Seek support to follow through if needed.
Track the possibilities, opportunities, and outcomes that these actions produce. (Suggestion: For tracking, you can use a spreadsheet, calendar, or journal.)
Remember, life is CHANGE.
Growth is optional.
Choose wisely.
The world needs you and your brilliance.
Now more than ever.