INTIMACY isn’t about Sex.
It’s about TRUST.
Trusting YOURSELF to make good decisions.
Trusting OTHERS because you feel SAFE around them... sooo SAFE that you’re willing to let them FULLY SEE WHO YOU REALLY ARE.
In my leadership coaching, I focus on 7 Zones of Well-Being.
- Physical.
- Emotional.
- Intellectual.
- Spiritual.
- Financial.
- Relational.
- Creative.
((I speak about these on day #2 at the Upside Summit. - there's still time to join us for the January 27-29 event!))
None of them are easy to master, and most folks would rather breeze past the EMOTIONAL ZONE.
Because EMOTIONAL GROWTH requires spending time discovering yourself in deeper ways.
~ Understanding who you are.
~ Growing your own awareness.
~ Seeing the hidden motivators that fuel an emotional reaction.
Hidden motivators might include something such as trying to check a box to PROVE YOU'RE WORTHY…
Worthy of love.
Worthy of affection.
Worthy of being seen.
Worthy of being heard.
Worthy of being cared for.
Worthy of someone’s time.
It becomes an exhausting game you never win because you’re ALWAYS FIGHTING against someone or something.
This modus operandi may have come from living in a household where you FOUGHT to be VALUED.
Or going to school and FIGHTING to get A’s – or perhaps not fail.
Or fighting to get your 1st job and PROVING YOU WERE BETTER than the other candidates.
Or the BATTLE to get the next opportunity, contract, or client.
Over time, this FIGHTING ENERGY will beat you down.
I’ve been there – and I’ve got the BATTLE WOUNDS and SCARS to remind me how this NEVER ENDS WELL for ANYONE.
Trust starts from WITHIN.
~ Keeping your word to yourself.
~ Honoring your purpose, mission, and calling.
~ Living your values.
~ Forgiving yourself when you get it wrong.
~ Letting go of people and places that don’t bring out the best in you.
You never get to that sacred space of INTIMACY without first trusting yourself.
The BEST LEADERS understand how this shifts HOW YOU SHOW UP, and WHO SHOWS UP IN YOUR LIFE.
--> So, are you fighting to prove yourself worthy?
--> Who are you trying to prove yourself to?
It just may be time to lay down your sword and GROW your TRUST MUSCLE.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge of the week is to examine your Emotional Well Being. Do you have a hidden motivator driving you, such as fighting to prove your worth?
Spend time noticing.
Does this hidden motivator drive you to take actions that are not aligned with your values, your purpose, and mission?
What will you do about it?
The world needs you and your brilliance.