
Lisa Marie Platske

International Best-Selling Author in 5 Countries

A book titled influential leadership blueprint is floating in the air

Influential Leadership Blueprint (2018)

A simple formula that guarantees you’ll step into your Soul’s calling with ease. This blueprint provides clear action steps to increase your sphere of influence so you can make a positive difference in the world.

A book called connection the new currency by lisa marie platske

Connection The New Currency - 2nd Edition (2018)

The path to winning — at life, in relationships, and in business — is not solitary. Connecting on an authentic level is not only an important skill…it’s the new currency for success. This book provides practical steps to build authentic connections in your own life, business, and corner of the world.

A quote by mother teresa is on a blue brush stroke
A book titled turn possibilities into realities by lisa marie platske

Turning Possibilities into Realities (2015)

Turn Possibilities into Realities reveals what it takes to lead with ease. The authors cast their experiences about leadership in today’s world. Their stories reveal that leadership can be for everyone.

A book titled designing your destiny has a hand holding a starfish on the cover

Designing Your Destiny (2007)

Success, happiness, and meaning in your life are determined by your ability to answer the following questions:

  • Who am I?
  • What do I want?
  • Why does it matter?

When you clearly answer these questions, you will unlock the door to opportunities that allow you to attract everything you ever wanted. 

Experts bridge the gap from what if ... to what is.
A book called connection the new currency by lisa marie platske

Connection The New Currency - 1st Edition (2011)

The path to winning — at life, in relationships, and in business — is not solitary. Connecting on an authentic level is not only an important skill…it’s the new currency for success. This book provides practical steps to build authentic connections in your own life, business, and corner of the world.

A book titled speaking of success is sitting on a table

Speaking Of Success (2006)

Those who choose to travel the road to success must also travel the road of continuing education. Success is about being prepared. The authors in this book will help you expand your horizons and gain a whole new perspective on how to achieve success.

A blue brush stroke with the words `` the world needs you and your brilliance '' written on it.
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