After many surprises over the past month, I’m even more aware than ever how precious life is.
There are many opportunities to breathe, focus on the here and now, and what you have to be grateful for in this moment.
What are you focusing on?
Right now, many people are struggling to find peace in light of what the World Health Organization is calling a “global pandemic.”
People are scared about their future, glued to CNN, wondering what decisions to make to best care for their families and their own health and well-being.
Yet, fear, anxiety, and worry can paralyze you and rob you of your joy, peace, and purpose – your real well-being.
While the situation is real, and yes, it’s scary, it is a wonderful opportunity to adapt, innovate and get creative.
Has this challenged my ability to see the Upside?
Yes. And I’m better for it.
The uncertainty will lead to a better future.
The next few months will fly by.
Disruption and change.
Rather than getting caught up in the fear, be gentle on yourself and choose to slow down.
Take stock of your blessings.
Is it time to let some things go?
What new idea or opportunity can you create?
Where can you spread a little more love in your life and business?
Being on the frontlines of 9/11 taught me that when human beings are faced with seemingly devastating circumstances, at their core, they are loving and resilient creatures.
The love, kindness, and generosity I’ve seen then and now touches me – and that is my focus.
For example, Kiva has expanded their eligibility and maximum loan amount and added a 6 month grace period for small business owners.
Colleagues are identifying new ways to be of service in a changing global economy.
I’m changing the way I’m doing business and serving clients as well as offering free and low-cost resources and leadership training.
Small businesses stimulate economic growth, provide jobs, and new ideas to local communities.
In this tumultuous time, please remember your small business owners by investing in them or purchasing a gift certificate.
Courageous leaders understand that when circumstances are out of their control, it’s still possible to control your response to a situation.
I invite you to approach your current situation with an Upside attitude, ready to adapt to the unknown.
Right now, more than perhaps ever before, it’s important to maintain an Upside mindset while prioritizing peace in your personal and professional life.
Action: The Upside Challenge of the week is to identify 3 adjustments you are actively taking or will take to prioritize peace in your life.
Because these may be new habits, how can you create systems to ensure you take these actions consistently?
Given all the current uncertainty, what skill or quality can you develop to serve you and/or your business to be more adaptable?
BONUS: Make and implement one business decision and one personal decision that is made from love and generosity.
The world needs you and your brilliance.