Busyness vs. Business.
Do you understand the difference?
Some of my best ideas have come after I chose to do nothing.
I regularly hear people speak about how busy they are — wearing it like a badge of honor – and in the same breath sharing how they have trouble fitting it “all” in.
I happen to be someone who wants to live a full life and so I have full days.
Yet, going non-stop with work and family responsibilities doesn’t allow me to be the best of who I’m called to be.
I need at least one day each week to do nothing so I can rest my mind and body.
When I do this, I get to take inventory on where my time is being spent.
You get 24 hours a day or 1,440 minutes a day. Why should it feel so busy?
For me, there were items on my “to-do” list that didn’t take up a huge amount of time, yet I spent time worrying about them even when I wasn’t doing them.
Just having them on my list created unnecessary work.
This noticing has allowed me to let projects go or delegate them so I free up my energy and focus on what gives me the most joy.
And, then there’s social media, something I’ve always had a hate/love relationship with since the days of MySpace. ((Do you even remember MySpace?!?))
This pull to check what was going on had me trapped into feeling as if I wasn’t relevant if I didn’t check in and stay current with what was going on in the world.
This is what people do. It’s simply the way of the world, I told myself.
Yet, the seconds, minutes, and hours started adding up – and the ROI to my overall well-being just wasn’t there.
So, I hired people who could help me get my message out there without me being consumed with being on social media.
And, I’ve discovered that I have more of an attachment – dare I say addition – to using my phone because it is something to do.
It was like a magic trick. Abracadabra and 15 minutes would be gone from my day in an instant.
Learning how to ‘just be’ is a process for me.
By doing this, creative ideas have sprung up.
My brain simply needed the space for my creativity to come alive.
While this still doesn’t come easy as I’m wired to keep busy, how amazing is it to learn to be still and simply download the right next steps on your journey?
Great leaders get this.
Most of the leaders I’ve spoken to have at one time or another shared a personal story of how they were overwhelmed and overworked and found the relaxation actually created rejuvenation.
Not because they went on a safari adventure tour or took a holiday, rather how they learned to create space in their days, weeks and years and to stop treating life like a marathon.
If you’re inspired, I’d love for you to join me.
The Upside Challenge of the week is to examine what it would look like if you slowed down.
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. Lead Upside.
The world needs you and your brilliance.