Remember when you were 19 and you had all of the answers.
You thought you could save the world — all by yourself.
You set out with your dreams packed up nice and neat in that rumpled old backpack of yours ready to champion your cause……
And, how you’d figured that by the time you got to today everything would have worked out according to your plan?
That by now, everything would be “perfect” and in its perfect place?
Oh, how you knew in the core of your being that your life would be celebrated.
That you’d be embraced for who you are.
That the things you wrote in your journal would have happened like in the fairytales you read about as a kid.
Your mission and plan would have revealed itself to you with fireworks and celebration, and your awkwardness would have transformed itself into poise and grace so that you now finally fit in.
All of this so you could make a difference in the world.
Little did you know, you weren’t born to fit in.
Let me remind you, you get to make a difference every day with every word and every action.
Do you really understand the difference you are making?
Extraordinary moments start in the here and now.
You are making your mark on the world right now.
Every drop of love has the ability to ripple across the world and explode into a miracle.
And I’ve seen that happen with my own eyes.
Why do you think that only the BIG things matter?!?
Sometimes the smallest actions leave the biggest mark on the world and in someone’s life.
And, I get it.
Every time you give of yourself, you take a risk – and sometimes your good deeds get trampled on.
Or, you may feel unnoticed, unimportant, or undervalued.
Don’t let that stop you.
No one may see all of the good that you’re doing but this was never about them anyway.
Keep doing good because it is making a difference.
Right now, you may feel as if you keep giving and giving of yourself and wonder where all of this is going to get you.
You may feel that, “Hey you’ve got one life and you are running out of time…”
That couldn’t be further from the truth.
It takes courage to trust when it feels as if life is about taking out the trash, doing another load of laundry, and picking up groceries at Costco.
You have a special purpose, mission and calling – and you’ve got to believe that for your 19 year-old-self and your 59 year-old-self and for yourself right now.
You’ve got this.
So, do something to celebrate you today.
You are making a difference.
Your life matters.
You matter.
Yes, you’ve got this.
Remember, the world needs you and your brilliance.