I decided to take a look at what stress actually does so I can make a re-commitment to living life on the upside, and I invite you to do the same. How do you see your glass? Half full or half empty?!
Two weeks ago, I had an allergic reaction in the middle of the night to something.
Hives, nausea, pain, and lightheadedness made it uncomfortable to be upright.
The truth is, I really have no idea what triggered it as I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary.
The reaction was so serious that could have landed me in the hospital (or dead) if it wasn’t for a fast-acting and loving husband.
I’m a bit of a bear when I’m not feeling well – and this had me in a panic which didn’t help the situation as I was moving through it.
Days after the episode, I thought about what was going on in my environment 12-hours before the break out – and this was the part that had me wondering if it was less about what I ate or was wearing and if it was more about my stress level as I had received some bad news and was incredibly upset earlier in the day.
Stress is sneaky – and it can affect every aspect of your life without you even being aware of its effects.
Your health and well-being, personal and professional relationships and confidence and self-esteem are influenced by how much stress you have in your life – and how well you handle it.
When I was in 8th grade, I read Norman Vincent Peale’s “The Power of Positive Thinking”.
Half Full - Upside Thinking
The instructor filled a glass ½ way and set it on the desk – and then asked myself and the other 3 “gifted” students in the class to write down what we saw.
The question was used as a way to determine our outlook on life – seeing what’s missing (the negative) or focusing on what is there (the positive).
At the time, I could only see the glass being ½ empty – and I’m incredibly grateful for this change in my life.
It’s taken me years and a lot of personal and professional development and growth to be an Upside Thinker.
This journey of discovery is why I stepped into Upside Thinking, Inc. as the name of my business. (My husband had already taken this journey and penned the name.)
It reminds me that everything in the universe is conspiring for my greatest good and there is always an upside to every situation which is critical when you’re facing challenging times as a leader.
And, the benefits are huge because when you live on the upside, you have less stress.
Yet, I realize it’s easier said than done which is why I was in this place of inquiry.
I decided to take a look at what stress actually does so I can make a re-commitment to living life on the upside.
Here is what I found…..
I had let a situation get the best of me and I believe the emotional stress caused a physical reaction in my body.
This is what stress does – and I experience so little of it in my life because of my 100-foot rule (I don’t allow any negativity to get within 100-feet of my presence) that my body didn’t understand how to respond.
How do you answer the question, “Is your glass half-empty – or half-full?”
The Upside Challenge of the week is to determine whether you see the world through an Upside lens or whether you’ve been leaning into noticing more of what’s not working all around you. What will you do today to create more ½ full in your life?
You are a one-of-a-kind superstar – and the world needs you and your brilliance.
So, give the world the best of you, not the stressed of you.