Your destiny is calling – are you ready?
“The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.”- Albert Ellis
My dear friend Susan Kerby teaches a class on heart virtues.
Your Destiny - Upside Thinking
Your heart virtues are what enable you to live your best life – one that is a “10”.
This doesn’t mean you will be living your most comfortable life.
And, as I often say, comfort doesn’t change the world.
Vulnerability….changes everything.
I’m not out to make people feel comfortable – and neither are most leaders.
They’re willing to step up and stand out to make a difference in the world….to blaze a trail and go where others have only dreamed of going.
Through Susan’s process, I’ve discovered my heart virtues of mercy, justice, and protection.
They have been part of my life since I was born and when they are present as I lead, magic happens.
The clients I work with are awe-inspiring leaders and why they show up is because I show up as myself.
In Susan’s teaching, she shares that living life as a “9” or “10” is not comfortable.
It is the life where you get to be fully, authentically and unapologetically you.
Your best self.
All the time.
Every day, you have the opportunity to make choices.
The choice could be to stay exactly where you are (comfortable) or to experience a change or breakthrough by doing something different (the Uncomfort Zone).
If you decide to run on auto-pilot, you don’t have to think about what you’re doing.
You create a routine where you live a bit unconsciously.
While there are people in my life who live this way, I find this practice to be incredibly dangerous – and yet, I get why people do it.
Change is normal and necessary – and it’s also scary.
When you make the commitment to step up and stand out, you’re venturing into the unknown.
Your Destiny is Calling
Yes, even if you choose to change directions, you may feel resistance from within.
Resistance is the “attempt to prevent something by action or argument”.
So, why would you knowingly try to prevent something that you chose?
Maybe it’s the feeling that you don’t deserve something — that promotion, raise, dream job or big client.
Or, maybe you feel real fear in leaving your comfort zone to stand out and worry that you might crash and burn in the process.
I get it.
I’ve been there.
And, I’ll admit there have been more highs and lows that have caused bumps and bruises on the journey than I can count that sometimes I feel as if I’m riding a rollercoaster without a harness.
Yep. My life is one big, theme-park adventure ride.
It’s been worth every minute vs. sitting in the cheap seats and watching it play out on TV. (Heck, I don’t even have cable!)
Every leader that is willing to live out their big mission and calling understands the risks and challenges to saying “YES!” to being a leader worth following.
And, I wouldn’t trade it in for anything else in the world.
Who’s up for a little more discomfort in their life?!?
Action Item: Your Destiny - Lisa Marie Platske
The Upside Challenge of the week is to identify what change is it time for you to make – and make it.
Comfort doesn’t change the world.
Vulnerability changes everything.
The world needs you and your brilliance.