Life is full of injustices, but it is also filled with beauty. Despite the forces against you, I invite you to continue to keep hope alive. We all need it.
Years ago, there was a profound book entitled, “When Bad Things Happen to Good People” – and while I’m not going to share what’s in the book, I’m using this title as a reference to speak to what has been on my heart this month.
In light of Charlottesville, friends who have been impacted by the hurricanes, clients who have lost homes and businesses in fires, serious illnesses of friends and family members, and the shooting in Las Vegas, I wanted to share a message of hope in challenging times.
On a weekly basis, I deal with people who cry, feel anger and sadness as they struggle to make sense with what is going on in the world.
Sometimes this means their small piece of the world within their family dynamic – and sometimes it means from the vantage point of a global perspective.
My colleagues, clients, and closest friends are all good people who are usually happy and each have a special mission and calling in the world.
Lately, many of them have been in stress as they live in a world where negativity screams from the headlines of every media outlet.
I’ve been studying leadership through the lens of neuroscience, human behavior, excellence, and personal development for almost 25 years.
I sit on the board of Project Forgive, a global entity that offers free forgiveness training for the purpose of improving physical and emotional health.
And, I speak on stages around the world – and coach private clients on difficult life issues outside of their business growth.
Trauma. Addiction. Abuse. Rape. Anorexia. Death and dying. I’m a leadership coach who deals with life issues.
Yet, the negativity that is being felt by many within my circle has nothing to do with their own needs and everything to do with the negative swirl around them.
All of this swirl – if you let it – has the ability to siphon all of the hope from your heart.
I lived through 9/11 – and if I didn’t choose forgiveness over pain, my life would be very different than what it is right now.
What I’m seeing in social media is:
Good people are struggling to swim up-stream.
I invite you to not let hate win.
Love is all around if you only open your eyes.
Yes, there are sick people out there – and there are reasons to take up arms.
Life is full of injustices.
It is also filled with beauty and mercy and grace.
We All Need It
If you have been riding the Upside and standing strong, despite the forces against you, I invite you to continue to keep hope alive.
If you have found yourself trembling as others speak hatred, I invite you to continue to let peace live in your heart, no matter how difficult.
If you have found yourself challenged to make a difference in your circle, I invite you to continue to embrace the truth that when you practice small acts of kindness they leave a lasting impact.
The world needs you and your brilliance.
You are appreciated, loved, and valued more than you may realize.
And, you are needed – now more than ever.
Choose to seek first to understand – and hold your opinion, speaking only after you have studied the truth.
Messages and studies can be skewed so that you hear only what you want to hear.
Most people are good at their core.
Look for the good.
And, when you see it, speak it aloud often.
Tell the people you love most how much they matter.
Choose to be a thoughtful, loving human being everywhere you go – even in places where it doesn’t seem “appropriate”.
It only takes one candle to get rid of darkness.
I leave you with one of my favorite prayers which was written by St. Francis of Assisi….
“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.”
….and a quote by Dr. Martin Luther King, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
Comfort doesn’t change the world. Vulnerability…changes everything…..