You’ve lived the kind of life that is extraordinary. I bet you’re living and leading an inspirational life. After all, you are an inspiration.
When I ask someone if they’ve led an inspirational life, they usually look at me as if I have two heads.
They pause and hesitate long enough to give me a vague answer close to “I would like to think so……”
I’ve never had anyone actually claim it or shout out, “Heck, yeah!” and mean it.
Yet, if you’re reading this Upside Thought, I bet you have.
You Are an Inspiration
You’ve lived the kind of life that is extraordinary.
Committed to a big mission and calling, everything that you’ve done up to this point in your life has been preparing you to inspire the people you will meet on the next chapter of your journey.
Regardless of your socio-economic background, list of friends, education, age, or what you do, your story has the ability to inspire others to take action on what they want most.
Your story has the power to encourage others to overcome their own obstacles.
……..your experience has the ability to make a difference in the lives of others.
I’ve often discounted my own story.
For the first 5 years of owning and running Upside Thinking, Inc., I hid my story about working in law enforcement.
I danced around the topic of my background – and if it did come up, I would turn it into something funny like, “I bet you never met a leadership presenter with this background?!?” vs. claiming the greatness I brought into my current work because of the lessons I learned from working in Federal law enforcement.
I did my best to be fit in and be vanilla.
Everyone likes vanilla.
The problem was it was hard work to stuff myself into a box so other people would like me – and I was suffocating.
I started to lose the joy I had when I envisioned creating a business that would change the world by transforming lives through leadership development and creating leaders worth following.
I discovered the importance of not hiding out in plain sight, a lesson I’ve had to learn over and over again all throughout my life.
And, I want that same truth to be lived out fully by you.
You Are an Inspiration
If there is a place you are hiding, it’s time to come out of the shadows and into the light.
As the kids would say in hide and seek, “Come out, come out wherever you are….”
So, do you have an inspirational life?
Yes, you do.
Go out and do great things.
Action Item: You Are an Inspiration
The Upside Challenge of the week is to discover how will you use your story to inspire someone this week.
The world needs you and your brilliance.