Since this is Women’s History Month, I decided to share a bit about the background in starting Upside Thinking and the premise of Upside Thoughts.
As many of you know, I’m a bit of an “accidental” entrepreneur.
Yet, you’ve probably heard me speak about how what you do is by choice and not accident.
So, what gives?
Well, I call myself an accidental entrepreneur because my background is in Criminal Justice.
I never took a business class or knew anyone who owned a business before I opened mine. (Now 90% of my friends own businesses…)
I moved 3000 miles from my closest friends (or should I say “friend” as I didn’t have many of those) or family members when I opened the doors to Upside Thinking, Inc. – and knew no one in my community.
Yet here I am 10+ years in owning a successful business.
And, while I’ve had my share of setbacks and failures, I’m a recognized award-winning leadership expert. ((How cool is that?!?))
To understand how all of this “happened”, you have to go back to 11th grade psychology class and conversations about Sigmund Freud.
While Freud didn’t invent the idea of the conscious and unconscious mind, he created an awareness by describing the mind’s structure and functions.
You probably heard of the iceberg analogy….well, that was from Freud
Karen is on the top of the iceberg. It is a concept of her many problems which are hidden.
He described the conscious mind to be the tip of the iceberg, or the 10% that can be seen above water to the naked eye.
This is all of the mental processes of which you are aware ie. your conscious thoughts.
But, what about what is hidden under the surface?
Well, that’s the 90% that can be incredibly influential in keeping you stuck or enabling you to move forward.
While Freud described the preconscious (thoughts and feelings that you may not be aware of but can be easily brought to a conscious level) and unconscious mind (thoughts and feelings you are completely unaware of) as being part of the 90%, he believed that the unconscious mind was the primary driver of human behavior.
What does this mean?
This means that the overwhelming majority of what is below the surface is inaccessible to the consciousness and yet it influences our judgements, feelings, and behaviors. (How crazy is that?!?)
Most of the time, you operate on the 10% conscious thoughts and are unaware that your motives and decisions are being influenced by the unconscious mind.
So, what’s the issue – and how does it relate to Upside Thinking and, more importantly, YOU?
Well….if you’re Positive Patti or Positive Paul and you’ve been bathing your subconscious with 100% positive and uplifting messages your entire waking life, you’re good to go
In fact, you’re probably super successful and I should be taking notes on you.
But, if you’re unsure of what memos you’ve been writing and sending to your unconscious mind, you may need to pay closer attention.
Upside Thinking was a concept that centered around how if you could change your thinking, you could literally change your life. (And, the framework first came from my husband.)
I believe if you change your thinking you can change your life because I’m living proof.
If you look at my background, I should have been a statistic, not a success.
I began feeding my brain the right stuff to succeed – and surrounding myself with people who did the same.
Now, I’m not going to get all Pollyanna on you and say that if you sit and meditate on success, you will wake up and your bank account will be bigger and you’ll rule the world.
But there is a piece of Upside Thinkings Success Roadmap that is the element of “Mindset Matters”.
You have a dial that is set on a certain frequency for success or failure
And, whether you believe that or not, I have seen changing the station work wonders with my own clients.
When you take the 7 Pillars of Leadership that I teach at my annual Design Your Destiny LIVE, add it to the element Mindset plus Strategy, and Consistent Action, you get Upside Thinking’s Roadmap to Overwhelming Success!
That’s the history of Upside Thinking, Inc. – and it can be your history, too.
Unfortunately, what happens for most people is they believe that outside forces are more powerful than what’s inside.
Action Item:
The Upside Challenge of the week is to challenge one thought or belief that has been keeping you stuck or limited your abilities to move forward. Not sure what it is? Ask someone close to you.