While I was never a fan of magic shows, I always loved The Amazing Mumford on Sesame Street.
Instead of using “Abracadabra!” which is the typical magic word to help a magician make something happen, he used the phrase “A la peanut butter sandwiches.
What made Mumford one of my absolute favorites was his willingness to be “sexy” in his work. ((Many of you reading this have seen me be “sexy” on stage…))
Some of his magic tricks would go wrong and you just had to smile.
In reality, he wasn’t afraid of failure although he was often surprised after he waved his wand and there was a puff of smoke and he witnessed how the trick went awry.
I think many people believe life can be like a magic trick and whispering a simple “Presto Chango” will make them wealthier, happier, more successful, ________ (fill in the blank).
At Design Your Destiny LIVE, I teach 7 Pillars of Leadership.
I also share that the 7 Pillars of Leadership + Mindset + Strategy + Action = Overwhelming Success.
You can never get away from doing the work it takes to succeed.
However, when you have the instruction book, you can set magic into motion.
Today I simply want to share about why mindset matters.
Dr. Steve Maraboli said, “Get out of your own way. Stop the paralysis by analysis….”
Even with the greatest plan in place, what may stop you from moving forward and doing what you’re called to do is between your ears.
When you analyze ideas and next steps, get distracted, or hear the negative voice that wants to keep you safe and small, you may procrastinate and get stuck.
When was the last time you worked a full 8-hour day without any self-created distractions or mental chatter pulling you away from your big vision?!?
It’s easy to get into the swirl of limited possibilities.
Here are five tips to keeping an Upside mindset:
1. Transform Problems into Opportunities: When a potential disaster strikes, look for the opportunities within. Speaking from experience, I promise you that they are there.
2. Surround Yourself with Other Upside Thinkers: Spend as little time with people who only see the glass as ½ empty. There are no successful victims in the world.
3. Believe You Are Powerful: Regardless of what happens in your life, you get to choose your thoughts and how you will respond. Recognize you are more powerful than your environment.
4. Celebrate the Successes of Others: When you are resentful of another’s accomplishments, you are in danger of blocking opportunities in your life. That is the “Law of Attraction” at work.
5. Be in Gratitude: As you focus on what’s working in your life, you realize that you’ve got more than the majority of the world’s population – and more good will be coming your way.
ACTION ITEM: The Upside Challenge of the week is to work on one of the 5 tips to ensure that you keep an Upside mindset.