2015 has been a year of ups and downs. In January, I had a wildly successful Leadership Success Summit with the best reviews I’ve ever gotten. In March, my book Turn Possibilities into Realities hit best-seller on Amazon in 5 countries. My business was booming and I was on top of the world.
And, then May came.
I was traveling a lot and feeling overwhelmed and drained. I realized that I needed to put additional systems in place and didn’t know where to start. I pulled back from social media and community building activities. After crying my eyes out, I reached out for support — and, the cavalry arrived. In July, the sky parted and countless opportunities began presenting themselves again. The realization that came to me a few weeks ago was when you actively seek to being the best version of yourself and commit to doing what it takes, magic happens.
It’s great to be BACK!
My commitment to YOU and your success is greater than it’s ever been.While I could whine and worry about time that was lost, I choose to focus on all I’ve gained during the time I was re-engineering myself and my business.
In August, I launched my 8th annual Design Your Destiny LIVE event (will I see you there?!?), and was honored with being on the cover of the magazine Published! (See below for how to get your free copy).
ACTION ITEM: The Upside Challenge of the week is to ask yourself “what could you commit yourself to that would make your life better right now?
It doesn’t have to be a huge change, just something that you know would impact where you stand right now.
Remember, the journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step.
What will that first step be for you?
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. Lead Upside.