How do you deal with challenges?
Leadership guru John Maxwell speaks about the concept of “failing forward” as when you fall down, as long as you don’t stay down, you’re ahead of the game.
You can learn way more from a misstep than a success.
When I make a mistake, I give myself up to 10 minutes to sulk or be unhappy and then I look for the lesson.
This allows me to face and own up to what I did versus blaming and making excuses.
And, I can’t say it’s easy or that I wouldn’t rather run and hide, especially if it’s something embarrassing, like disappointing a client or forgetting to call someone back.
It’s human to want to bury our mistakes in the sand.
Unfortunately, when something is buried, it’s still there and can cause even bigger problems.
When you’re upfront about a misstep, you’re not spending energy trying to keep something buried.
You’re using your energy to repair the break so you can move forward with ease.
When I first opened Upside Thinking, Inc., I was afraid of making a mistake. If I didn’t get over that fear, the business would never have grown
The bigger the risks, the greater the chance you’re going to get something wrong or drop a ball.
I think this is what taught me to be someone who loves to live life easy-peasy and forgive others.
No stress, no mess.
Just own it, fix it, and let it go!
ACTION ITEM: The Upside Challenge of the week is to identify how you deal with challenges? Where do you need to employ the mantra “Own it, fix it, and let it go!”?
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. Lead Upside.