It’s Monday and you’re probably back at work — or getting ready to go to work.
What did you bring to work today?
How about your Upside attitude?
Did you remember to bring that?!?
Whether you realize it or not, you pack up your thoughts, your beliefs, and your personal attitude and bring them into every interaction with others.
You have a belief about how smart, caring, kind, helpful etc. the people around you are.
You may have a belief about how helpful you’re going to be depending on how others treat you.
The beliefs that are living in your subconscious mind shape how you behave towards others.
In my book Connection: The New Currency, I talk about how I had the attitude that if I shared too much information with others, I’d lose my edge because knowledge is power – and it didn’t serve me well.
ACTION ITEM: The Upside Challenge is to identify what thoughts, attitudes and beliefs you currently have that are getting in the way of your grand vision. And, then think about the end you want to your story. This is what Pillar 1 in my 7 Pillars of Leadership is all about. What are you willing to do to create a new reality? Are you ready to let go of what might not be serving you?
If you choose well, your attitudes will bring health, happiness, success, and meaning into your life.
So, when you have a less than joyful experience this week (you know those negative Ned and negative Nellie moments), tie it back to what belief contributed to the event and how you could have used a little more Upside.
Here are some examples.
Last week, I sat in traffic from an accident for 2 hours, had a flat tire, and my computer died. And, I turned each experience it into a fabulous opportunity to be present. My belief that everything is conspiring for me allowed me to stay out of panic and “why me?” and into believing something wonderful was happening for me at that moment. Guess what?!? It all worked out perfectly!
Yes, my Upside attitude is tied into my big inspiring vision and it serves me well.
How about you?