Today I’m heading to Long Beach to speak to 300 Human Resource professionals, small business owners, employment attorneys, and government officials at the California Unemployment Insurance Council’s annual conference.
I’ve also been running full steam ahead behind the scenes in my business as my team and I move together through a re-branding process complete with a new website, and exciting new training and coaching programs to support you in being seen, recognized, and rewarded for your talents, gifts, and skillset.
And, with the flurry of activity and electrifying energy, I thought it would be appropriate to slow things down a bit this Monday.
So, I’d like for you to take a moment of silence…
….just for you.
When you stop your thoughts, you stop the world from spinning around you.
Remember 11th grade psychology class when you learned about the ego? (That was a tough class for me to focus on as I was enamored with the teacher…)
Your thoughts are the voice of your ego, and the ego is often fueled by worry and fear of the unknown.
According to Nobel Prize-winning scientist Daniel Kahneman, you experience about 20,000 individual moments each day of which you are conscious. And, Stanford University researcher Dr. Fred Luskin’s findings show that you have approximately 60,000 thoughts per day and while 90% of are repetitive, you may not be conscious of them.
Last month, I was at a conference where one of the attendees asked me how she could keep her mind quiet from the noise of everyday life.
Having happy repetitive thoughts may seem like you’ve got a good thing going for you, but this does not allow your mind to be still and hear the possibilities around you.
In the stillness (or silence) you will find the answers to some of the questions you have about taking next steps in your work – and often you will find peace.
Regardless of how thrilling my work has been, I still need to take time to be quiet.
So, the Upside Challenge this week is that if you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, or stressed out to the max, remember the power of the pause and give yourself a moment of silence.
I guarantee you will be surprised at what happens if you make this a habit in your life.
See Upside. Be Upside. Live Upside.