A businessman was highly critical of his competitors’ storefront windows.
“Why, they are the dirtiest windows in town,” he claimed.
Fellow business people grew tired of the man’s continual criticism and nitpicking comments about the windows.
One day over coffee, the businessman carried the subject just too far.
Before leaving, a fellow store owner suggested the man get his own windows washed.
He followed the advice, and the next day at coffee, he exclaimed, “I can’t believe it. As soon as I washed my windows, my competitor must have cleaned his, too. You should see them shine!”
The author of this story is unknown, but the message is one that bears repeating.
Blurred vision.
We all have it from time to time.
The inability to see beyond our own limitations, pointing fingers at what someone else is doing or not doing.
Oh, how easy it is to focus “somewhere else” rather than examining who you are, and what you are doing – and whether it is the best version of your current self.
The Upside Challenge this week is to take 35 minutes to examine your life – 5 minutes in each of the 7 areas.
I know you’re busy. — I also know you get 1,440 minutes every day.
This week, I’m asking you to set aside 35 minutes just for you to examine where you are in —
And, you’ve heard me ask something similar before as it is a message — like the story — which bears repeating.
The 6th Pillar in the 7 Pillars of Leadership Success that we walk through at the Leadership Success Summit is PROGRESS or for you business owners PROFIT.
Evaluation and self-examination is not just for December 31st. It is continual, and continuous.
Give yourself a grade from A+ to F on each of these areas, and identify one action item to improve in each area.
So, clean your windows, and wipe off your glasses!
Have an incredibly Upside week!