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The Connection Between Rest, Emotional Intelligence and Increased Productivity

Lisa Marie Platske • Jul 10, 2018


Over the years, I’ve gone into organizations where the culture breeds workhorses.

People will brag to me about how much work they do and how little they sleep at night as if telling me this will earn them a badge of honor.

Quite the opposite.

While certain workplaces foster the misconception that people who rest are lazy or unmotivated, I do not.

In fact, I’m all for rest – and was raised to take regular naps.

Yes, I come from a family of nappers.

Now, I’m not advocating powering down during an important meeting, however, rest increases a leader’s creativity and can increase productivity and effectiveness.

In my one-on-one coaching programs, I speak about the value of spaciousness in your schedule.

On a call last week, I shared how on days when I’m feeling overwhelmed or mentally tired, I will set my alarm and close my eyes, even if it is only for 10 minutes.

I model my behavior after some of the most brilliant minds ever to have walked on the planet.

Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison took naps every day – and Einstein made sure he got 10 hours of sleep each night on top of his afternoon siesta.

And, I could go on and on naming some famous folks and influential leaders including United States Presidents, Kennedy, Johnson, and Reagan who understood the value of powering down in the afternoon.

When I reflect on the value leaders bring to a culture, I’ve learned that productivity and innovation come from working less, not more.

At my annual Design Your Destiny Live event, I’ve done exercises around energy management.

Most people experience a drop in their energy level in the early afternoon after lunch.

A lack of focus from a lower energy level can cost you opportunities, especially if you have client meetings that require your full attention and focus.

The National Sleep Foundation advocates a short nap – about 20 minutes – for “…improved alertness…”.

In a world where everything moves quickly, naps can keep you from burning out, being on-edge or stressing out over the small stuff.

Recent studies have shown that emotional competence is twice as important as technical competence for mid-level executives.

At the level of top executives, 90% success comes from emotional competency.

Taking a nap can improve emotional intelligence (EQ), cognitive competence and your overall health and well-being.

I could go on and on about the health benefits of formal rest in the afternoon, including increased creativity, connection to others, and decreasing your risk of heart disease.

The bottom line is that if you learn how to manage your energy, you will be productive throughout the day – and get more done in less time.

Remember, you’re on a mission – and the world needs you and your brilliance.

If you make rest and rejuvenation part of your life, you will….


The Upside Challenge of the week is to examine how you can do less – and produce more.

See Upside. Be Upside. Live Upside.

The world needs you and your brilliance.

By Lisa Marie Platske 08 Apr, 2024
I once preached the virtue of courage while living a life that screamed otherwise. Sure, I believed in the idea of courageous leadership, being your own boss, and achieving success independently. Yet, I'd never experienced it. During my 24x7 government job days, I enjoyed the perks of a steady paycheck, job security, and benefits. I spent time thinking about my next pay increase, how much leave I could save, and when I'd be promoted again. My life was in someone else's hands. After getting married in November of 2004, I stood at a crossroads with an opportunity to decide what I wanted to do for my career all over again. I enjoyed working in Federal law enforcement. It was familiar and had job security and all the overtime I wanted. When I decided to walk away, folks thought I was crazy. Why leave the comfort of a steady paycheck to the unknown?!? To nothing? Over time, I learned why entrepreneurship is not for everyone. Early on, I struggled with believing I could do this business. Every day felt uncertain, and I had many sleepless nights wondering if I wouldn't take us to the cliff of financial ruin. Jim got tired of talking me off the ledge so one day he put his foot down and said, " This is the last time we're gonna have this conversation. Either do it or get a job. " Eeek. That moment created a shift in me. A fundamental transformation of heart and mind. Why am I sharing this with you? Some things you have to experience and live through. Understanding a truth that is heard - and told to you by someone else - is not always the same as a truth that is lived. When you choose experience over what you've heard, it's a different life. Have you experienced all that you tell yourself and others that you believe? Or, are you simply an echo chamber of what you've heard others say?!? Evaluate your beliefs. Evaluate where they come from. Evaluate them based on who you are. Base your truth on personal experience because when you live what you believe, your life will change. For the better. And that's when you'll discover what and who are trustworthy. Go shine your light. Because The World Needs You... and Your Brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to identify one core belief or value that you have simply inherited from others rather than cultivated through personal experience. Spend some time in honest self-reflection. Which of your stated beliefs around relationships, career, spirituality, etc. have you truly put to the test of real-world application? Where might you be an "echo chamber"? Once you pinpoint an inherited belief you want to validate, make a plan to put it into practice through direct experience this week. For example, if you believe strongly in generosity and have not practiced radical giving - donate time or money in a way that stretches you. The world needs more leaders like you willing to walk their talk with empowering beliefs and values.
By Lisa Marie Platske 04 Apr, 2024
Do you have a clear plan for your life in place? Most folks don't. They wake up every day and run on auto-pilot -- and it's often a bit like Groundhog Day. ~ Brush teeth. Check. ~ Comb hair. Check. ~ Go to work. Check. ~ Make dinner. Check. ~ Go to sleep. Check. The world is filled with folks who will go their whole lives and not live one day. And, for those that have a clear plan, it's not always aligned with their values or mission. See, your plan for life operates as a roadmap. It ensures the destination has clear steps mapped out so you get where you want to go in the short-term and long-term. A clear plan is more than an idea. It's written down with a core why and answers the questions: - Who am I? - What do I want? - Why does it matter? And that's also the foundation of the Divine Operating System. Over the years, I've had folks ask me how I've been able to do so much. Understanding the answers to these questions is how. And here's a real-life example... One of my clients wanted to climb Mount Everest. When I asked why, his answer moved me to tears. "To save lives." He was doing it as a fundraiser for those who couldn't ever reach the peak, and as a way to inspire and challenge those in his life. It's that level of clarity that fuels the fire of the passion that is your Divine mission. Some days it feels as if life is coming at me from all angles, and I can't keep up. Yet, when I go back to what's most important - my Divine mission -- I am able to refuel and take the next inspired action. Answer those three questions and let your light shine brightly. Because The World Needs You and Your Brilliance. Now more than ever. ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to identify one passion pursuit that ignites your "Divine mission" and plan how to devote more time to it. Think about what interests, hobbies or causes light up your deeper "why" - the motivating reason you want to make a difference in the world. Once you've chosen this passion aligned with your Divine mission, block off 2-3 hours this week dedicated solely to engaging in that activity. Treat it as an important step towards realizing your vision. Afterwards, reflect on how you can proactively make more room for this activity in your regular schedule going forward. The world needs more leaders like you operating in full alignment with their brilliance and life's deeper "why". 
By Lisa Marie Platske 01 Apr, 2024
"You're never gonna get it right. You should just quit." Sometimes I hear the voice of my former co-worker echoing in my head, trying to hijack my day. He would say mean things to me every day, hoping to see me break. Yet he had no idea that the words he spoke were no match to what I dealt with as a kid when it felt as if I was at war with myself. "Maybe I just need to try harder. To buckle down. To focus. Then again, why bother? You'll never get it right anyway." Today, the lies in my head that were designed to keep me from believing in the life I saw as possible, the one that I'm already living, have less power over me. Those voices are the daily battle many of my clients and colleagues face. It was exceptionally challenging for me. I asked myself the questions I often ask them: "Is this the thing that you'll let take you out? Or, will you stand strong, and rise yet again?!?" Because it's always a choice. And despite all stacked against me, I chose the latter. Remember... the world needs you and your brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to challenge yourself to catch and replace negative thoughts with affirmations. Whenever you hear a critical voice in your head like “ you never do it right ” and “ just quit ” stop and notice that thought. Once you've acknowledged the negative thought, consciously reframe it with empowering affirmations such as: ~ “I have the strength to keep going.,” ~ “I’m moving forward one step at a time.” This practice reprograms your mindset from limitation and lack to one of opportunity and faith. Your brilliance shines brighter when you build an unshakeable positive mindset. Do this - and be a bit kinder to yourself.
By Lisa Marie Platske 28 Mar, 2024
One of the questions I've been asked countless times is, "How do I find my purpose?" I get how elusive that can feel. Yet this isn't a question that is to be solved like a math problem. You can't think your way to the answer. Clarifying your purpose happens over time. It's a quiet whisper that turns into a roar the more time you give that question. Your purpose is about why you're here and the difference you're to make. Think about it like a journey that's worth taking. The more you get clarity about the next steps around your work in the world, the more you will experience ease and joy. So what are the best first steps: 1) Ask one great question every day. I tell clients to have a question that they ask themselves as a focus each day. When you ask the question, 'what is my divine mission and purpose?' you will get whispers throughout the day, giving you clues. 2) Listen attentively. You've got constant chatter all around you. It's important to embrace the Power of the Pause and have quiet time in your daily life. 3) Apply what you've heard. I call it 'following the breadcrumbs' that your inner wisdom speaks. Ultimately, I want to make the world better and be a force for good every day. When I ask, listen, and apply it's a whole lot easier to do. Remember... the World Needs You and Your Brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to dedicate time each day to the "Ask, Listen, Apply" practice for uncovering your life's purpose. Ask: Take 5-10 minutes in the morning to quiet your mind and vocalize the question "What is my divine purpose and mission?" Speak it aloud or write it down repeatedly. Hold sincere intention for clarity. Listen: Go about your day paying close attention to any intuitive hunches, meaningful signs, powerful thoughts or feelings that arise related to your query. These "breadcrumbs" hold wisdom. Jot them down as you receive them. Apply: At the end of the day, review your notes. Identify 1-2 simple actions you can take based on the day's insights that feel deeply aligned. Follow through on those actions, however small. Discovering your true purpose is an exploratory journey, not a single aha moment. Your unique brilliance was meant to create profound positive impact. Stay devoted to ask, listen, apply - and your purpose will be unveiled.
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By Lisa Marie Platske 08 Apr, 2024
I once preached the virtue of courage while living a life that screamed otherwise. Sure, I believed in the idea of courageous leadership, being your own boss, and achieving success independently. Yet, I'd never experienced it. During my 24x7 government job days, I enjoyed the perks of a steady paycheck, job security, and benefits. I spent time thinking about my next pay increase, how much leave I could save, and when I'd be promoted again. My life was in someone else's hands. After getting married in November of 2004, I stood at a crossroads with an opportunity to decide what I wanted to do for my career all over again. I enjoyed working in Federal law enforcement. It was familiar and had job security and all the overtime I wanted. When I decided to walk away, folks thought I was crazy. Why leave the comfort of a steady paycheck to the unknown?!? To nothing? Over time, I learned why entrepreneurship is not for everyone. Early on, I struggled with believing I could do this business. Every day felt uncertain, and I had many sleepless nights wondering if I wouldn't take us to the cliff of financial ruin. Jim got tired of talking me off the ledge so one day he put his foot down and said, " This is the last time we're gonna have this conversation. Either do it or get a job. " Eeek. That moment created a shift in me. A fundamental transformation of heart and mind. Why am I sharing this with you? Some things you have to experience and live through. Understanding a truth that is heard - and told to you by someone else - is not always the same as a truth that is lived. When you choose experience over what you've heard, it's a different life. Have you experienced all that you tell yourself and others that you believe? Or, are you simply an echo chamber of what you've heard others say?!? Evaluate your beliefs. Evaluate where they come from. Evaluate them based on who you are. Base your truth on personal experience because when you live what you believe, your life will change. For the better. And that's when you'll discover what and who are trustworthy. Go shine your light. Because The World Needs You... and Your Brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to identify one core belief or value that you have simply inherited from others rather than cultivated through personal experience. Spend some time in honest self-reflection. Which of your stated beliefs around relationships, career, spirituality, etc. have you truly put to the test of real-world application? Where might you be an "echo chamber"? Once you pinpoint an inherited belief you want to validate, make a plan to put it into practice through direct experience this week. For example, if you believe strongly in generosity and have not practiced radical giving - donate time or money in a way that stretches you. The world needs more leaders like you willing to walk their talk with empowering beliefs and values.
By Lisa Marie Platske 04 Apr, 2024
Do you have a clear plan for your life in place? Most folks don't. They wake up every day and run on auto-pilot -- and it's often a bit like Groundhog Day. ~ Brush teeth. Check. ~ Comb hair. Check. ~ Go to work. Check. ~ Make dinner. Check. ~ Go to sleep. Check. The world is filled with folks who will go their whole lives and not live one day. And, for those that have a clear plan, it's not always aligned with their values or mission. See, your plan for life operates as a roadmap. It ensures the destination has clear steps mapped out so you get where you want to go in the short-term and long-term. A clear plan is more than an idea. It's written down with a core why and answers the questions: - Who am I? - What do I want? - Why does it matter? And that's also the foundation of the Divine Operating System. Over the years, I've had folks ask me how I've been able to do so much. Understanding the answers to these questions is how. And here's a real-life example... One of my clients wanted to climb Mount Everest. When I asked why, his answer moved me to tears. "To save lives." He was doing it as a fundraiser for those who couldn't ever reach the peak, and as a way to inspire and challenge those in his life. It's that level of clarity that fuels the fire of the passion that is your Divine mission. Some days it feels as if life is coming at me from all angles, and I can't keep up. Yet, when I go back to what's most important - my Divine mission -- I am able to refuel and take the next inspired action. Answer those three questions and let your light shine brightly. Because The World Needs You and Your Brilliance. Now more than ever. ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to identify one passion pursuit that ignites your "Divine mission" and plan how to devote more time to it. Think about what interests, hobbies or causes light up your deeper "why" - the motivating reason you want to make a difference in the world. Once you've chosen this passion aligned with your Divine mission, block off 2-3 hours this week dedicated solely to engaging in that activity. Treat it as an important step towards realizing your vision. Afterwards, reflect on how you can proactively make more room for this activity in your regular schedule going forward. The world needs more leaders like you operating in full alignment with their brilliance and life's deeper "why". 
By Lisa Marie Platske 01 Apr, 2024
"You're never gonna get it right. You should just quit." Sometimes I hear the voice of my former co-worker echoing in my head, trying to hijack my day. He would say mean things to me every day, hoping to see me break. Yet he had no idea that the words he spoke were no match to what I dealt with as a kid when it felt as if I was at war with myself. "Maybe I just need to try harder. To buckle down. To focus. Then again, why bother? You'll never get it right anyway." Today, the lies in my head that were designed to keep me from believing in the life I saw as possible, the one that I'm already living, have less power over me. Those voices are the daily battle many of my clients and colleagues face. It was exceptionally challenging for me. I asked myself the questions I often ask them: "Is this the thing that you'll let take you out? Or, will you stand strong, and rise yet again?!?" Because it's always a choice. And despite all stacked against me, I chose the latter. Remember... the world needs you and your brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to challenge yourself to catch and replace negative thoughts with affirmations. Whenever you hear a critical voice in your head like “ you never do it right ” and “ just quit ” stop and notice that thought. Once you've acknowledged the negative thought, consciously reframe it with empowering affirmations such as: ~ “I have the strength to keep going.,” ~ “I’m moving forward one step at a time.” This practice reprograms your mindset from limitation and lack to one of opportunity and faith. Your brilliance shines brighter when you build an unshakeable positive mindset. Do this - and be a bit kinder to yourself.
By Lisa Marie Platske 28 Mar, 2024
One of the questions I've been asked countless times is, "How do I find my purpose?" I get how elusive that can feel. Yet this isn't a question that is to be solved like a math problem. You can't think your way to the answer. Clarifying your purpose happens over time. It's a quiet whisper that turns into a roar the more time you give that question. Your purpose is about why you're here and the difference you're to make. Think about it like a journey that's worth taking. The more you get clarity about the next steps around your work in the world, the more you will experience ease and joy. So what are the best first steps: 1) Ask one great question every day. I tell clients to have a question that they ask themselves as a focus each day. When you ask the question, 'what is my divine mission and purpose?' you will get whispers throughout the day, giving you clues. 2) Listen attentively. You've got constant chatter all around you. It's important to embrace the Power of the Pause and have quiet time in your daily life. 3) Apply what you've heard. I call it 'following the breadcrumbs' that your inner wisdom speaks. Ultimately, I want to make the world better and be a force for good every day. When I ask, listen, and apply it's a whole lot easier to do. Remember... the World Needs You and Your Brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to dedicate time each day to the "Ask, Listen, Apply" practice for uncovering your life's purpose. Ask: Take 5-10 minutes in the morning to quiet your mind and vocalize the question "What is my divine purpose and mission?" Speak it aloud or write it down repeatedly. Hold sincere intention for clarity. Listen: Go about your day paying close attention to any intuitive hunches, meaningful signs, powerful thoughts or feelings that arise related to your query. These "breadcrumbs" hold wisdom. Jot them down as you receive them. Apply: At the end of the day, review your notes. Identify 1-2 simple actions you can take based on the day's insights that feel deeply aligned. Follow through on those actions, however small. Discovering your true purpose is an exploratory journey, not a single aha moment. Your unique brilliance was meant to create profound positive impact. Stay devoted to ask, listen, apply - and your purpose will be unveiled.
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